Monday, October 5, 2009
Lithium and REE: France becomes a place for mass market of Electric Cars. TNR.v, CZX.v, SQM, ROC, FMC, RNO, BYDDY, NSANY, F, TM, TTM, WLC.v, AVL.to
Posted by andre at 3:05 AM
France is the latest country to throw its name into the hat with its minister for ecology, energy, sustainable development and the sea, Jean Louis Borloo, presenting a national 14-point plan to accelerate the development and commercialisation of electric cars and plug-in hybrids.
The Government hopes to have two million electric and plug-in vehicles on its roads by 2020. So how will this be achieved? Here’s a step-by-step look at the 14-point plan:
Point one: The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) will launch a call for projects on infrastructure costs to support plug-in demonstrators and trials and to validate an ecosystem of rechargeable vehicles. For this stage of the plan, which will begin in early 2010, €70million has been dedicated.
Point two: Also early in 2010, ADEME will establish mobility solutions looking at developments in transportation based on new technology and service – this has a budget of €25million.
Point three: Renault will establish a lithium-ion battery factory in Flins that will produce 100,000 batteries a year – the investment here will be €625million.
Point six: Establishment of standard outlets to charge cars outside homes.
Point seven: Construction of buildings with compulsory charging systems by 2012. (Renault will be in mass production by 2011 - it is a nation wide compalsory charging system! S.)
Point eight: Support for installation of charging systems in condominiums.
Point nine: Compulsory charging points in parking for office buildings by 2015. (Nation wide compulsory charging system for commercial space. S.)
Point 10: An agreement on common European charging standards.
Point 11: Support for municipalities to deploy public recharging infrastructure.
Point 12: €1.5billion for the deployment of a public infrastructure network.
Point 13: To maximise the use of renewable electricity for recharging vehicles.
Point 14: Find ways to give batteries and materials a second life through recycling or other forms of reuse."
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